Why Study in Japan

Before study in Japan, you should make it clear why you will study in Japan. There are too many options so you must choose the most suitable one for yourself based on your career planning.

Breakdown of Reasons

(1) Decide your future career

Firstly, you have to decide your future career, after you graduate from a university, graduate and other higher educational institutions in Japan. Only this decision will help you choose what kind of institution or which major you will study. If you don't have any vision or goal of your career, we are going to encourage you to find it in other related section.

(2) Decide the type of educational institutions

After you decide your next career, let's research about the Japanese educational system. This is because it is so unique compared with any other country, and there are a lot of choices thanks to the high quality educational opportunities there, but these may confuse you when you try to decide the higher educational institution where you will enter.

We are willing to support you in this point, so please refer to the below links, if necessary:

(3) Decide the major or subject

At last, you need to decide the major you will study in Japan. What kind of major or subject you can learn doesn't only depend on the type of educational institutions but also each educational institution. That's why if you want to know more about majors, you can search on this website from these below links:

Tips of Career Planning

(1) Self-assessment and line up of expected career options

Know yourself, such as skills, interests and personalities (self-assessment) and make lists of your characteristics. In addition, narrow your career options through collecting information about career, industries, companies and so on.

(2) Compare the career options with the prioritized factors

Compare your most expected career with the factors you have prioritized

(3) Collect information about outside environment

Besides your self-assessment, consider the outside environment. For example, the simple and routine work will be replaced with robots and Al (Artificial Intelligence) near future, so you need to consider whether the skills you are going to master will meet the needs of society or not.

(4) Decide career paths

Through these consideration and comparison, your final decision will become your future career. You can progress in this direction.

(5) Set SMART Goals

After you decide your career, you must set the concrete plans to achieve your career goal. According to the below framework, make short-term plan (a few years or less) and long-term plan (more than five years, like ten years).

  • Specific -- Identify your goal clearly and specifically.
  • Measurable -- Include clear criteria to determine progress and accomplishment.
  • Attainable -- The goal should have a 50 percent or greater chance of success.
  • Relevant -- The goal is important and relevant to you.
  • Time bound -- Commit to a specific timeframe.

(6) Make action plans

To achieve your SMART goals, make your action plans, which clearly means what you are going to do. Then, you can follow these action plans.

Reference website:

Voice of International Students


Graduate from xxxx University xxxx department xxxx program

[Student Message about campus life]

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