

- What is JLPT ??
JLPT is a Japanese Language Proficiency Test, which is usually taken by the students or job applicants who are going to Japan to access their Japanese language proficiency. The JLPT consists of five steps; N5, N4, N3, N2 and N1. N5 is the lowest and N1 is the highest level.

N5 Level -
The N5 is the first level of JLPT. To pass JLPT N5 you will need a vocabulary of about 800 words. And you will need to be comfortable reading the hiragana alphabet, the katakana alphabet, and about 100 kanji.

Required Study Duration - 2.5 months

N4 Level -
The N4 is the second level of JLPT. To pass the N4, you will need to know about 300 kanji and about 1,500 vocabulary words. Once you have achieved the N4 level, you will learn how to speak Japanese in daily conversation.

Required Study Duration - 3 to 4 months

N3 Level -
The N3 is the middle (intermediate) level of JLPT. To pass the N3, you need to be able to read 650 kanji and know about 3,750 vocabulary words.Once you have achieved the N3 level, you will be able to speak and understand more.

Required Study Duration - 6 months

N2 Level -
The N2 is the second-to-hardest level of the JLPT. To pass the N2, you will need to know about 1,000 kanji and about 6,000 vocabulary words total. Native Japanese speakers enter middle school knowing approximately 1,000 kanji.

Required Study Duration - 10 months

N1 Level -
To pass the JLPT N1, you need to be able to read 2,000 kanji and know about 10,000 vocabulary words. At this level, you will be able to read most Japanese books and newspapers. Vocabulary list / kanji coming soon!

Required Study Duration - 12 months

JLPT Official site => here


- What is EJU??
EJU, namely Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students, is used so that the international students who want to study at higher educational institutions in Japan will get admission from those institutions.This examination is used to evaluate the Japanese language proficiency and the basic academic abilities of international students who wish to study at the undergraduate level at universities or other such higher educational institutions in Japan. They are required to take not only the exam of Japanese language skills but also that of other subjects, for example mathematics, physics, chemistry and so on. In addition, some higher educational institutions request the international students to take EJU only in Japanese, so then they need to have high Japanese language skill.

- Subjects of EJU
EJU consists of the following subjects: Japanese as a Foreign Language, Science (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology), Japan and the World, and Mathematics. Applicants choose which subject tests to take based on the requirements of the Japanese university they want to enroll in.

EJU Official site => here
Preparation for EJU => here


- What is TOEIC ??
TOEIC, meaning Test of English for International Communication, is the evaluation test of English language skills for non-native English speakers. Especially, TOEIC focuses on the English communication skills in business, while TOFEL on in academic fields.

It consists of two types of tests: one is the TOEIC® Test, the other is the TOEIC Bridge® Test. The former includes TOEIC® Listening & Reading Test, TOEIC® Speaking & Writing Tests and TOEIC® Speaking Test, whereas the latter does TOEIC Bridge® Listening & Reading Tests and TOEIC Bridge® Speaking & Writing Tests. The TOEIC Bridge® Tests are the one for the beginners learning English.

TOEIC official site => here


- What is TOEFL ??
The TOEFL iBT® test evaluates the English language skills of students who want to study abroad at higher educational institutions, like university. Now this is accepted by over 11,000 universities, when they know all four English skills, reading, listening, speaking and writing. You can take the TOEFL iBT® test at the test centers you can access.

TOEFL official site => here

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