Job & Career

This page shows the necessary information when you consider working in Japan. Surely, most international students want to work there but in advance you need to collect enough information, in order to avoid troubles.

Part-time Work

While in Japan, you should prioritize studying, but you can work as a part-time worker, called “Arubaito” in Japan, under certain restrictions. The income from part-time will help you in the viewpoints of finance. Please refer to the following points.

  • Working is regarded as outside activity, while studying is most prioritized
  • Can work within 28 hours per week (during long vacation, can work 40 hours per week)
  • Average salary: around 950 JPY per hour
    • Monthly average income: around 107,000 JPY. Mainly for lifestyle expense or utilities
  • The way to receive salary: bank transfer (required to open a new bank account in Japan)
  • Content of work: there are a lot of kinds of work
    (ex) restaurant, convenience store, teaching (English or other languages), tutor, cleaning, hotel etc.

The salary of part-time seems higher than your country, but the living cost is higher, too. Then, you must not rely on only the income of working. At the same time, you should consider scholarship, savings, transfer from your family. Anyway, you must regard studying as most important, so you need to make time for studying, not for working. Don’t miss the purpose of studying in Japan.


Besides part-time work, you can work for the companies in Japan through internship. However, the purpose of internship is mainly for the students to experience the real workplace before graduation, while that of part-time work is to make money. That’s why there are some internships which don’t provide the students with salary.
In addition, if you experience the internship in a company, the company will actively recruit you, so this is good opportunity to work in Japan after graduation.

Whereas internship gives many opportunities, you need to pay attention in searching. This is because some companies force you to work for too long by utilizing your position as an intern. Then, you had better consult with reliable agencies or educational institutions.

Employment in Japan

❮❮The flow of employment in Japan❯❯

Please pay attention the below points:

  • Basically, need to collect information in Japanese
  • Some companies don’t hire any foreign workers
  • Selection processes are so unique and depend on companies
  • Don’t forget to change the status of residence
  • If you cannot get any job, you can prolong the status of residence of student for one year and continue to find jobs in Japan

Reference site:

Consulting Service

We would like to introduce some websites, which will help you study and live in Japan. Please refer to all the following links:

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